22 And now, after the many testimonies which have been given of him, this is the testimony, last of all, which we give of him: That he lives!  23 For we saw him, even on the right hand of God; and we heard the voice bearing record that he isContinue Reading

The practical application of section 76 is that we can and should receive revelation, and the way that we can obtain revelation is by studying the words of prophets.  We need to be feasting on the words that the Lord has given us.  When we do so, He is so anxious to giveContinue Reading

This section teaches the importance of forgiveness.  I admit that it is hard to conceptualize the greater sin residing in the hurt individual withholding forgiveness from the person who has caused offense.  It is good to have this discussion in class. I had several students participate in the discussion byContinue Reading

Throughout the Doctrine and Covenants the theme of redemption is woven.  When the elders preach the gospel of Jesus Christ, their sins are forgiven them.  When we do His will, He redeems us.  D&C 62:3 states, “ye are blessed, for the testimony which ye have borne is recorded in heavenContinue Reading

The image of the Destroyer riding on the waters (verse 19) can be be very confusing to youth.  In some instances the Destroyer is an angel of God, at other times is can be the Devil.  See Exodus 12:23, D&C 105:15, D&C 86:5, Revelation 8-10, 15-18 where in all of these instancesContinue Reading

D&C 57 At this point it is good to explain how the Saints were looking forward to finally knowing where Zion was to be located.  I like to show the map and let them see where the temple was to be built.  Usually at this point, some kids ask questionsContinue Reading

I like to use this section to teach the idea that the Lord wants to give us all that He has.  He wants us to enjoy this earth and our time here.  Verse 18 teaches that “all things which come of the earth… are made for the benefit and useContinue Reading

D&C 54 Newel Knight was appointed to lead the Colesville Saints to Ohio in a previous revelation(see D&C 38:34-36). Newel Knight was appointed by the Colesville Branch to ask Joseph Smith to inquire of the Lord what they should do. B. H. Roberts recorded the following about these events: “It isContinue Reading

Algernon Sidney Gilbert (Dec 28, 1789- June 1834 – lived to 44 years) was first called by the Lord to preach the gospel and be “an agent” for the Church in its business dealings (see D&C 53:3-4). Over a year later, the Lord revealed to Joseph Smith that Brother GilbertContinue Reading

Sections 28, 46, 50, 52 are given to help the Saints recognize the Spirit and help root out false spirits in the church. 1- this is how you teach the gospel 2- the success or failure of any seminary class is a two way street.  Students tend to think thatContinue Reading