Soon after his arrival in Utah Martin Harris located in Smithfield, and later in Clarkston, Cache county, where he died July 10, 1875, nearly ninety-three years old. A few hours before his death, when prostrated with great weakness. Bishop Simon Smith came into his room; Martin Harris stretched forth hisContinue Reading

David Whitmer died at his home in Richmond, on the 25th of January, 1888, in the eighty-fourth year of his life. His final testimony was given under the following circumstances: On the evening of Sunday, January 22, at half past five o’clock, Mr. Whitmer called his family and a numberContinue Reading

Oliver Cowdery’s last testimony Elder Phineas H. Young, who was present at his [Oliver Cowdery’s] death [at Richmond, Missouri, March 3, 1850] says, “His last moments were spent in bearing testimony of the truth of the Gospel revealed through Joseph Smith, and the power of the holy priesthood which heContinue Reading

In their own words The official declaration of The Three Witnesses Joseph Smith’s report Oliver Cowdery’s Witness David Whitmer’s Witness Martin Harris’ Witness Dying Testimonies Oliver Cowdery David Whitmer Martin Harris Martin Harris’ testimony to William Pilkington Richard Anderson’s article on the witnessesContinue Reading

William Smith (Joseph Smith’s Brother) When the plates were brought in they were wrapped in a tow frock. My father then put them into a pillow case. Father said, “What, Joseph, can we not see them?” “No, I was disobedient the first time, but I intend to be faithful thisContinue Reading

The following is an extract from an 1838 letter from Lucy’s neighbor, Sally Parker (a convert), to her relative, Francis Tufts Sally Parker I lived by his mother, and [she] was one of the finest of women–always helping them that stood in need. She told me the whole story…. TheContinue Reading

Harrison Burgess Harrison Burgess was an early convert to the Church that left this account: I was born September 3rd 1814 in the town of Putnam, Washington County, State of New York. I lived with my parents until I was upwards of fourteen years of age, and a part ofContinue Reading