You can download a PDF of the journeys in Mosiah here. Bryce had some awesome stuff on “Noah Blindness” and I wanted to share a great book by S. Michael Wilcox where he also addresses this tendency that we sometimes have. You can see his book on Amazon here. How is theContinue Reading

For more on Enos’ struggle to attain answers from heaven and motivation to keep going, go here. You can read Mike Wilcox’s BYU Hawaii address here. I reference Matt Bowen’s article “And There Wrestled a Man with Him” (Genesis 32:24): Enos’s Adaptations of the Onomastic Wordplay of Genesis, from the InterpreterContinue Reading

Hugh Nibley discusses Zenos the prophet here. For the notes regarding Jacob 5 and the Allegory of the Olive Tree, go here. For a chart that illustrates the stages the tree experiences, go here. A chart illustrating the Anti-Christs in the Book of Mormon can be viewed here.Continue Reading

Click here for the slides that cover much of what we discuss about plural marriage. This article by John S. Tanner illustrates the descriptive words that Jacob uses to warn his people demonstrating that Jacob was a man who “lived close to his emotions and knew how to express thoseContinue Reading

To see some great slides with some of the pictures and maps we talk about, go here. To see show notes for this podcast, go here. To see a list of Nephi’s 12 predictions in 2 Nephi 25, go here. To read Elder McConkie’s Ten Keys to Understanding Isaiah, go here.Continue Reading

For access to the slides that cover the much of the material in this podcast, go here. Nephi discusses the idea that angels speak the words of Christ. For more on this, go here. For the rest of the story about Lydia Knight and her experience with an angel, goContinue Reading

For the slides that accompany this podcast, go here. For a closer look at how Nephi used the word church, go here. In 2 Nephi 28, Nephi writes about the churches becoming corrupted. For more discussion on this, go here. To see the chart “The Ways of the Devil –Continue Reading

→ Watch on YouTube: → Detailed Show Notes: → Time Stamps:(00:00) An overview of the introductory pages.(10:56) Jesus is the Christ and He will manifest himself to all.(18:00) Method of translation.(29:27) Unique doctrines of Christ that come to us only through the Book of Mormon.(35:01) The Three Witnesses.(40:21)Continue Reading

Special guest, Mandy Green, helps unveil Mary Magdalene by discussing scripture, traditions, and extra-biblical texts. Books mentioned in the podcast can be seen here.A segment from Mary’s ascent vision can be read here.Click here for Μαγαδάν.Read Dan Peterson’s article here. Mandy Green’s website: Reading

In this podcast we examine the Isaiah passages that Nephi inserts into the small plates. Why does Nephi put this material in the Book of Mormon? What does it mean to liken the words of Isaiah? (See 1 Nephi 19.23-24; 1 Nephi 22.8; 2 Nephi 6.5; 2 Nephi 11.2, 8.) We examineContinue Reading