We read in Alma 48:17 that if all men had been like Moroni, the powers of hell would be shaken forever. Since Moroni is an important protagonist in these chapters, it is good to analyze what he did and how his actions apply in our lives today. What was it thatContinue Reading

Alma does an excellent work in his communication with his son Corianton in this chapter. He doesn’t just correct his son, he helps him to see that his actions had consequences, and shows him how to guard himself in the future, as well as give him hope! Alma shows CoriantonContinue Reading

There is much to cover in Alma 40-42. It is good to emphasize one or two doctrines when teaching Alma 40-41. I focused on the fact that there is a resurrection, that many witnesses have testified of this reality, and that the scriptures have much to share regarding the orderContinue Reading

Alma 36 is a wonderful example of chiasmus. What is chiasmus, you ask? chi·as·mus – kīˈazməs/ noun: chiasmus; plural noun: chiasmi 1. a rhetorical or literary figure in which words, grammatical constructions, or concepts are repeated in reverse order, in the same or a modified form; e.g. ‘Poetry is the recordContinue Reading

In Alma 36-42 we read the advice of Alma to his sons Helaman (Alma 36-37), Shiblon (Alma 38), and Corianton (Alma 39-42). These chapters are an excellent source of information to those who want to practice principles of effective parenting. Alma 35 Look at the environment each of Alma’s childrenContinue Reading

I teach young people from the Book of Mormon on a regular basis. When I was a young person, anti-Mormon literature was difficult to come by. Today, in the age of the internet, even a member of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter day Saints who is innocently preparingContinue Reading

Alma 29 begins with Alma wishing to be an angel. He says, “O that I were an angel, and could have the wish of mine heart, that I might go forth and speak with the trump of God, with a voice to shake the earth, and cry repentance unto everyContinue Reading

This material contains links to a few books that have helped me understand the context and content of the scriptures. As an Amazon Affiliate, I do earn a small commission from qualifying purchases (at no extra cost to you). Click here to see all of my favorite books on Amazon. Trances inContinue Reading

Aaron’s experience in Alma 21 is an illustration that can be used as a comparison to Ammon’s missionary work in Alma 17. While Ammon seeks first to serve, and to understand the people that he is sent to teach, Aaron takes a different approach. Aaron heads into the city ofContinue Reading

This contains links to a few books that have helped me understand the context and content of the scriptures. As an Amazon Affiliate, I do earn a small commission from qualifying purchases (at no extra cost to you). Click here to see all of my favorite books on Amazon. Alma 14 takesContinue Reading