Over the years I have put together some material on the Apostasy. I am posting two rough and unfinished papers here for one of my classes that I am teaching right now – Foundations of the Restoration. apostasy-timeline-short-version apostasy-timelineContinue Reading

Signs of the Times “Our loving Heavenly Father and His Son, Jehovah, with a knowledge of the end from the beginning, opened the heavens and a new dispensation to offset the calamities that They knew would come. The Apostle Paul described the forthcoming calamities as “perilous times.” For me, thisContinue Reading

Dating the Restoration of the Melchizedek Priesthood By Larry C. Porter Accessed from LDS.org on 11.13.16 Authors’ original spelling has been retained, following standard historical practice. See reasons for spelling variations in “Nineteenth-Century Spelling,” Ensign, Aug. 1975—including uncertain spelling conventions and spelling as an expression of personality. When Oliver CowderyContinue Reading

Robert Mason tells Wilford he will find the truth   Wilford Woodruff: At an early age my mind began to be exercised upon religious subjects, but I never made a profession of religion until 1830 when I was twenty-three years of age. I did not then join any church for theContinue Reading

Joseph Smith’s name had for good and evil Elder John H. Groberg of the Seventy told of an experience in which he saw a fulfillment of Moroni’s prophecy in Joseph Smith—History 1:33. While serving as a missionary in the South Pacific, Elder Groberg visited a remote island named Tafahi, which had onlyContinue Reading

The story of Korah and his friends is one of many examples in the first 5 books of Moses that deals with rebellion. I really like the following quote that relates to this: Weakness versus Rebellion The joyful news for anyone who desires to be rid of the consequences ofContinue Reading

The longest allegory in scripture is Zenos’ allegory of the olive, which is found in Jacob 5. In Jacob 5:3, Zenos explains to his hearers that the tame olive tree represents the house of Israel. From this interpretation, we can draw some conclusions about the other symbols in Zenos’ allegory.Continue Reading