Daniel 7 – Apocalyptic Vision #1 Daniel 7 is all about the rise of four mighty empires: Babylon, Media-Persia, Greece, and Rome. The vision shifts in verse 9, where Daniel sees “the thrones cast down, and the Ancient of Days…” come to take his place as the leader of theContinue Reading

Daniel 7-12 contain visions of Daniel that are apocalyptic. What is apocalyptic literature? Apocalypse is a Greek word meaning revelation, and apocalyptic as an adjective describes the genre of literature that contains visionary or revelatory experiences. Although such writings have been known from ancient times (texts like Daniel, and the Revelation of John),Continue Reading

Ezekiel’s vision of the Lord is not unlike the vision John has in Revelation 4.  Both men see God on his throne, surrounded by heavenly attendants.  Both men describe lightning, brilliant light, creatures unknown to man, and a brilliant rainbow in the midst of the heavenly vision. We spent timeContinue Reading