Christ’s love is so deep that He took upon Himself the sins and afflictions of all mankind. Only in that way could He both pay for our sins and empathize with us enough to truly succor us—that is, run to us—with so much empathy that we can have complete confidenceContinue Reading

Procrastination of repentance carries great risk. The number of tomorrows is limited. The conquest of physical addiction, for example, must be done while it is still possible to exert spiritual supremacy over temptations of the flesh. (See Romans 8:6; 2 Nephi 9:39.) I remember vividly an experience I had asContinue Reading

We have heard Dr. Goodell’s story of the house dishonesty built. It tells of a very wealthy man who had as a part of his household a young woman to whom the entire family was devoted. She was courted and finally married by a young building contractor. Then this wealthyContinue Reading

Sections 6,8, and 9 of the Doctrine and Covenants explain how revelation works. I find it worth noting that in the early days of the history of the church that the Lord outlined for the Saints how this delicate communication works. There are times when young people have expressed toContinue Reading

We read in Alma 48:17 that if all men had been like Moroni, the powers of hell would be shaken forever. Since Moroni is an important protagonist in these chapters, it is good to analyze what he did and how his actions apply in our lives today. What was it thatContinue Reading

Alma does an excellent work in his communication with his son Corianton in this chapter. He doesn’t just correct his son, he helps him to see that his actions had consequences, and shows him how to guard himself in the future, as well as give him hope! Alma shows CoriantonContinue Reading

There is much to cover in Alma 40-42. It is good to emphasize one or two doctrines when teaching Alma 40-41. I focused on the fact that there is a resurrection, that many witnesses have testified of this reality, and that the scriptures have much to share regarding the orderContinue Reading

Mosiah 27 usually causes young people to ask questions about those that they love who are not on the gospel path. I like to emphasize that the Lord does not judge us until the Final Judgment, and so it behooves us to love all of Heavenly Father’s children, while petitioningContinue Reading

I appreciate the discussion Mosiah sets forth in Mosiah 29 regarding government, responsibility, and his opinion regarding kings and how they tend to limit liberty. In Mosiah 29:13 we read what I would term a fascinating verse: Therefore, if it were possible that you could have just men to beContinue Reading

The Old Testament manual has some great helps with teaching Lesson 2: “Thou was chosen before thou wast born,” and I wanted to add the following quote by Elder McConkie to my notes on this lesson: Being subject to law, and having their agency, all the spirits of men, whileContinue Reading