D&C 53 Sidney Gilbert’s call to serve

Algernon Sidney Gilbert (Dec 28, 1789- June 1834 – lived to 44 years) was first called by the Lord to preach the gospel and be “an agent” for the Church in its business dealings (see D&C 53:3-4). Over a year later, the Lord revealed to Joseph Smith that Brother Gilbert had “many things to repent of” (D&C 90:35).

Although Sidney Gilbert was faithful in many things (at one point he, along with Isaac Morley, offered his life as a ransom for his fellow Saints), he lacked confidence in his ability to preach the gospel and died of cholera soon after turning down a mission call. The Lord had previously counseled Brother Gilbert, “Ye should learn that he only is saved who endureth unto the end” (D&C 53:7). The Prophet Joseph commented on Brother Gilbert’s turning down his mission call and on his subsequent death by saying, “He had been called to preach the Gospel, but had been known to say that he ‘would rather die than go forth to preach the Gospel to the Gentiles.'” Elder Heber C. Kimball remarked, “The Lord took him [Sidney Gilbert] at his word.”  (CHC 1:360 n.7; see also HC 2:118-19.) He was baptized in the Spring of 1831, and served a mission to the Eastern United States from June-December 1832. 

The message for the youth:

1.  Even if you are shy, the Lord wants you to push past your weakness.  I asked my classes if they have ever felt the Lord was helping to push them past their weaknesses and had some good discussion along this theme. 

Illustrations of this: Ether 12:27 – If men come unto me I will show unto them their weakness.

Luke 18:22 "Yet lackest thou one thing..."

What lack I yet?  Sydney had some work to do on the person he was becoming, and so do we.  The Savior will show you what you lack- Luke 18:22 shows this with the story of the righteous rich young man who the Savior told had some things he lacked.