Ep 304 | D&C 2; JSH 1:27-65, Come Follow Me 2025 (January 20-26)

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Detailed Show Notes

→ Timestamps:
(00:00) Joseph describes spiritual sight.
(04:59) The weakness of youth is explained as a lack of experience.
(20:06) A definition of a true friend.
(25:49) Interpretations of Malachi 4.
(42:42) The significance of temple ordinances.
(51:09) Joseph Smith’s name is had for good and evil among all nations.
(55:18) Joseph is forbidden to get the plates until four years later. He and Emma get them together.

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1 Comment

  1. Hey friends,
    There was a discussion and a quote stating that Elijah was the last prophet to have the sealing power.

    I’m wondering if we know why the sealing power wasn’t available to subsequent prophets?

    Do you have any additional info on this besides what is written in the Bible dictionary?

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