Ep 296 | Ether 6-11, Come Follow Me 2024 (November 18-24)

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Detailed Show Notes

→ Timestamps:
(00:00) When the Brother of Jared sees the Lord’s finger it sparks his divine curiosity.
(05:34) The ocean is a symbol for chaos, the fallen world, and the veil.
(07:52) The 2 to 1 Principle as seen in the Garden of Eden, Moses’ crossing out of Egypt into Canaan, and the Jaredite vessels.
(11:26) The number 8 can be associated with rebirth and renewal.
(12:09) Serpents as a symbol of captivity and Divine Providence, ushering the Jaredites south into a place where they eventually repent.
(24:08) The Jaredites hit the pinnacle of righteousness.
(30:13) The Book of Ether is almost like the whole Book of Mormon in miniature.
(34:29) Secret combinations eventually destroy the Jaredites. Substance abuse and addiction are modern secret combinations.
(49:03) Prophets are the opposite of secret combinations.

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1 Comment

  1. I was reading/ listening to a translation of Eusebius’ Church History by Paul Maier. He quotes Josephus detailing bandits who murder victims in broad daylight. During festivals they mingle with the crowd, stab distinguished people with concealed daggers then affect indignation when they had fallen , evading discovery in this way. The first to be slaughtered was Jonathan the High Priest. page 78 of Maier’s book.
    Sounds similar to Gaddianton’s robbers.

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