Ep 286 | Helaman 13-16, Come Follow Me 2024 (September 9-15)

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Detailed Show Notes

→ Time Stamps:
(00:00) An overview of these chapters.
(02:05) Blind guides lead people on snipe hunts. When we lay hold on the things that bring eternal happiness they will be never become “slippery.”
(14:45) C.S. Lewis discussed the difference between being in love versus a more majestic, long-lasting love.
(17:35) Samuel’s warnings parallel words from an older Egyptian text called The Instruction of Amenemope.
(26:21) Why signs are given by Samuel. Even with great signs we still have to choose to follow Christ.
(30:13) The sign of light at Jesus’ birth and the sign of darkness at his death teach us about the Savior.
(33:00) We are saved by the merits of Christ, not by our good works.
(34:33) The appearance of Jesus Christ’s name in the Book of Mormon.
(39:51) The Atonement of Christ overcomes both death and sin. All overcome spiritual death by being brought back into the Father’s presence at the resurrection. Only those who repent and receive Christ remain in his presence.
(46:46) Love and hate can be misunderstood in Samuel’s address, specifically when he says” the Lamanites hath he hated” (Hel. 15.4). This statement may relate to ancient Near Eastern treaties, which differ from modern conceptions of “love and hate.”
(59:57) Samuel escapes the stones and arrows of his attackers.
(1:04:42) The importance of striving for unity. The book of Helaman is a pattern for our day, exposing the weakness of a fragmented society that is deeply divided and contentious.

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