Mosiah 29 – Alma 4 – Podcast Ep 271 Show Notes

This outline contains links to a few books that have helped me understand the context and content of the scriptures. As an Amazon Affiliate, I do earn a small commission from qualifying purchases (at no extra cost to you). Click here to see all of my favorite books on Amazon.

For more information on the Amlicite wars, the church prospering amidst adversity, and the meaning of Nehor’s name, go to Alma 1-3 – Nehor, the Church, and the Amlicite Wars.

The Book of Mormon is prophetic commentary on the Hebrew Bible. This is described by Bradley Kramer in detail. Bradley Kramer’s book Beholding the Tree of Life: A Rabbinic Approach to the Book of Mormon can be purchased here.

To see the temple context related to skin color as used by the authors of the Book of Mormon, go here.

We also discuss different ways to understand the cursing depicted in 2 Nephi 5:21 in Ep 253 at timestamp 24:24.

For Ethan Sproat’s article: Skins as Garments in the Book of Mormon, go here.

For more information regarding blood vengeance in the Book of Mormon, see this article.

For more on Nehor’s punishment and the Fallen Angels, go here.

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