Ep 270 | Mosiah 25-28, Come Follow Me 2024 (May 27-June 2)

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Detailed Show Notes

→ Time Stamps:
(00:00) An overview of these chapters.
(03:28) The prayers from Alma’s father made a difference in his conversion.
(05:52) God remembers all His children.
(10:40) Justification and sanctification in Christ. Alma’s experience typified both.
(18:27) Alma was snatched by Jesus in Mosiah 27.29 and Alma 26.17.
(23:40) The purpose of Church discipline.
(33:20) A pattern for solving problems the Lord’s way.
(36:09) The transition from a monarchy to a system of judges. Principles of good government.
(38:55) Striking the balance between rights and responsibilities.

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