Ep 267 | Mosiah 7-10, Come Follow Me 2024 (May 6-12)

→ Watch on YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/watch?embed=no&v=I9v8Qn_dxQ4

→ Detailed Show Notes: https://www.ldsscriptureteachings.org/2024/01/mosiah-7-10-podcast-ep-267-show-notes/

→ Time Stamps:
(00:00) An overview of these chapters.
(05:40) Limhi’s story.
(07:10) Remembering past experiences with God invites revelation.
(09:09) There remaineth an effectual struggle to be made. Personal change brings deliverance in the Lord’s timing.
(13:35) The people of Limhi are not immediately delivered.
(16:05) The Lord sent Ammon.
(19:02) We all experience different forms of bondage.
(21:05) Not everyone has the same journey in Mosiah, but they all make it home.
(24:55) Two different reasons for why Abinadi was killed are presented. The historical answer and the spiritual answer can be complicated at times. History is messy.
(30:13) Limhi quotes a text we don’t have, perhaps something from the Brass Plates. Limhi reads, “If my people sow filthiness, they shall reap the east wind.”
(34:15) The 24 gold plates of the Jaredites are found by Limhi. Prophets can see through dark conspiracies.
(36:43) Wisdom is typically personified as a woman.
(37:31) Zeniff sees the good in his enemies. A major antidote to pride is to see that other people have good qualities and motives.
(40:51) Zeniff is overzealous and makes an arrangement with King Laman who deceives him. Don’t be fooled by “building blindness.”
(47:01) The Lord is merciful in our weakness. Zeniff’s son Noah is given charge of the people.
(49:37) How the ancients portrayed their enemies helps us understand how the Nephites viewed the Lamanites.
(53:28) “Lamanite blindness” is feeling wronged, getting wroth, and then wanting to hurt others. Love and gospel truths are antidotes to blindness.

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