Ep 261 | Jacob 1-4, Come Follow Me 2024 (April 1-7)

→ Watch on YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/watch?embed=no&v=t9cjgZ6q-bg

→ Detailed Show Notes: https://www.ldsscriptureteachings.org/2023/12/jacob-1-4-podcast-ep-260-show-notes/

→ Time Stamps:
(00:00) Jacob is weighed down with anxiety for the welfare of his people. He was commanded by the Lord to deliver his message.
(05:39) The group led by Lehi may have been part of a more extensive society native to the region.
(09:10) Costliness of apparel demonstrated wealth and power in the Nephite culture.
(10:28) Pride begins when we think that we have more than others, assume that we are better, and then persecute those we esteem as less.
(17:17) Jacob teaches antidotes to pride.
(27:47) Immoral behavior has awful consequences, breaking hearts of those we love.
(39:11) The Nephite believers worshipped the Father in the name of Jesus Christ.
(44:41) We are to teach to the understanding of men. Jacob sees “things as they really are.”
(49:14) Jacob discusses those that rejected the stone, a sure foundation, which is Christ. He then asks how God will respond to those that have rejected Christ. Will God love me if I mess up? The allegory of the Olive Tree answers this question.
(52:07) The practice of plural marriage in Church history.

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