Ep 260 | Easter – The Magnificent Messiah, Come Follow Me 2024 (March 25-31)

→ Watch on YouTube to see images of all the verses we cover: https://www.youtube.com/watch?embed=no&v=-j-KyyjtNEw

→ Time Stamps:
(00:00) Stories of Jesus.
(01:19) Jesus teaches a woman of Samaria at the well.
(06:04) The woman with an issue of blood.
(11:55) Oliver Cowdery’s prayer.
(14:21) A woman with a sinful life anoints the feet of Jesus.
(16:11) The woman caught in adultery.
(18:16) Jesus knows us.
(24:37) Jesus is a “one by one” God.
(30:10) Jesus saw his seed.
(35:53) Horizontal and vertical relationships.
(36:55) Peter is called to catch men.
(41:29) Jesus heals a leper.
(43:13) Temple work for the dead.
(43:47) Action and grace.
(46:39) Joseph’s loss of the manuscript.

→ Bryce Dunford’s Institute classes are now available on podcast apps. Sign up here: http://brotherdunford.org/

→ Enroll in Institute: https://www.churchofjesuschrist.org/si/institute?lang=eng

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  1. Incredible testimonies. Thank you to Mike for sharing such a deeply personal story. And thank you to both of you for your thoughts and feelings about the Savior. Just a simple but powerful episode.

  2. Thank you for sharing your gifts with us, the world is a better place when we all share our gifts, but you have taken it to a grander scale.

    May God bless you, you make a difference!

  3. Love your podcast and you enthusiasm for Jesus Christ. I was wondering what talk of Elder Hollands you were referring to when you talked about Jesus seeing his seed ?

  4. Awesome! Love this one.

  5. i loved your easter messiah message!!!! it reached into my heart and soul on so many levels! i have learned so many things from your podcasts!!!!

    1. Author

      Thanks for the positivity! Many blessings!

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