1 Nephi 1-5 – Podcast Ep 248 Show Notes

This outline contains links to a few books that have helped me understand the context and content of the scriptures. As an Amazon Affiliate, I do earn a small commission from qualifying purchases (at no extra cost to you). Click here to see all of my favorite books on Amazon.

In this podcast we discuss some of the overarching messages of 1 Nephi 1-5. How is 1 Nephi 1 like an overview of the whole Book of Mormon? What invitation does God make to you in 1 Nephi 1? How does our response to trial influence our happiness, those around us, and the trajectory of our family? What evidence exists in the text of 1 Nephi 1-5 that this is a historical document?

For the show notes on the reforms of the Deuteronomists, go here.

Watch Mike’s video on the Jewish apostasy with Hayden and Jackson Paul, Episode 230.

Watch Mike’s video on the Jewish apostasy with Dave Butler, Episode 73.

BONUS VIDEO | The Mosiah First Translation of the Book of Mormon with Hayden and Jackson Paul

“Was Jesus Edited From the Old Testament?” PDF

Another great article written by Neal Rappleye that explains the social context of 1 Nephi and the religious reforms of Lehi’s day can be found here.

I mention The Jewish Study Bible in this podcast. It can be viewed on Internet Archive here and can also be purchased here.

Nephi begins his work punning on his own name. Scripture Central explains this in more detail here.


  1. Thank you so much. I love learning the historical context. It adds so much to my understanding.

    Mike, were you suggesting that Nephi’s name wasn’t literally Nephi, but he used that name in his history to emphasize his story? Or were you saying that because his name meant goodly, he continued to use different forms of the word good a a pun and for emphasis? Either way, it’s super interesting.

    Thank you again, and keep up the good work!

    1. Author

      Julia, I do think Nephi was his name. The later kings (of the Nephite group) took on the throne name of Nephi, however – see: Jacob 1.9-11. Thanks for listening!

  2. As I was reading Nephi’s description of Laban, it occurred to me that other authors of the Book of Mormon could have described the members of the gaddiantons similarly: command many men, yea kill many men
    I see this now in light of the conspiring men today: unlawful orders; imprisoning, disappearing,, suiciding, etc of opposition. No wonder Lehi fears for his life!

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