Isaiah 1-12 – Ep 169 Quotes and Notes


  1. O h, my goodness. I am deeply absorbed in Isaiah. Sooo interesting and fascinating. Thank you for teaching clearly and distinctly your thoughts, deep doctrinal study, inspiration and all cross references.. You are keeping me on my toes…don’t wish to leave my computer for less important tasks. Thank you so much

    1. Author

      Thanks for the kind words! We are glad the podcast is working for you!

  2. I love your podcast. I teach gospel doctrine in my ward and I find so much good information, insight, and inspiration from your joint perspectives. Thank you for taking the time to do this work.

    1. Author

      Thanks for listening!

  3. Thank you for all the preparation and work you two put into this labor of love each week, you enrich my study and my faith by leaps and bounds. I look forward to learning with you and feel so blessed to have such rich material available to me.
    May you both be blessed for your generous offering.

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