Isaiah’s last two chapters make up a set of prophecies that are complementary to the first two chapters of Isaiah, making these four chapters very much like bookends to his works. Isaiah 65 and 66 reinforce each other as they speak of the forthcoming of the Lord’s judgment (65.1-16 and 66.1-6) as well as the millennial blessings that Israel will enjoy (65.17-25 and 66.7-16) and the New Heavens and the New Earth (65.17 and 66.22). The Lord also promises the Israelites peace in a new Jerusalem (65.18-19 and 66.8-12), very similar to the passages that John used to describe his vision of the New Heaven and the New Earth, with the associated New Jerusalem (Revelation 21.1-4). Understanding how Isaiah 65-66 are connected to Isaiah 1-2 help readers to see this work as a complete whole, with a universal message of God’s love for his children, gathering them home to his temple. Readers can also see and realize that both Isaiah and John saw much of the same kinds of things in their visionary experiences.
In Isaiah 1-2, we read of the Israelites’ rebellion against the Lord and the practices that they were involved with that caused the Lord to be angry with them (Isaiah 1.2-10, 13-15). We also read of the redemption of Zion and the establishment of “mountain of the Lord” where the holy ones ascend and go to the “house of the God of Jacob” (Isaiah 2.3).
In reading this message we are reminded of the statement that in Isaiah 65 and 66 the Lord warns his people of offensive practices (Isaiah 65.2-7, 66.1-4) similar to Isaiah 1 as well as the promise of the redemption of Zion wherein the presence of Yahweh will be made manifest unto them (Isaiah 66..7-15).