Alexander Neibaur was a convert originally from Germany who migrated to Nauvoo with his family. He was a dentist and a linguist and taught German and Hebrew to Joseph Smith. One day while still struggling to master the English Language, he recorded in his diary what the Prophet had said that day while he visited in Joseph’s home.
Br. Joseph tolt us the first call he had a Revival Meeting, his Mother, Br. and Sisters got Religion, he wanted to get Religion too wanted to feel & sho shout like the rest but could feel nothing, opened his Bible of the first Passage that struck him was if any man lack wisdom let him ask of God who giveth to all men liberallity & upbraidet[h] not went into the Wood to pray kneelt himself down his tongue was closet cleavet to his roof–could utter not a word, felt easier after awhile = saw a fire towards heaven came near & nearer saw a personage in the fire light complexion blue eyes a piece of white cloth drawn over his shoulders his right arm bear after a wile a other person came to the side of the first Mr. Smith then asked must I join the Methodist Church = No = they are not my People, all have gone astray there is none that doeth good no not one, but this is my Beloved son harken ye him, the fire drew nigher Rested upon the tree, enveloped him comforted Indeavoured to arise but felt uncomen feeble = got into the house told the Methodist priest, [who] said this was not a age for God to Reveal himself in Vision Revelation has ceased with the New Testament.
See: Alexander Neibaur, Journal, 24 May 1844, extract. See: The Joseph Smith Papers.
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