Henry B. Eyring We need not be overwhelmed with our feelings of inadequacy. Whoever we are, however difficult our circumstances, we can know that what our Father requires of us if we are to qualify for the blessings of eternal life will not be beyond our ability. What a youngContinue Reading

Bruce R. McConkie From the accounts in the 6th and 7th chapters of Moses we learn his life was one of miracles, preaching, visions, and revelations, perhaps without parallel in all history. He and his whole city were translated and taken up into heaven, from whence they shall return whenContinue Reading

The following table is given as a numerical representation of Gen. 5:3-31. The Moses version of this genealogy, which continues all the way to Moses 8:12, does not alter the ages of the Patriarchs. The numbers are the same. If the Fall of Adam occurred at 4000 BC (a commonContinue Reading

Joseph Fielding Smith It is true that the patriarchal priesthood was handed down from father to son, and that the keys of it belonged to the oldest son by right of primogeniture; but notwithstanding this, all of the faithful men who obtained the priesthood had this patriarchal office from theContinue Reading

“Seth and Enoch stand at center stage in this chapter. Though separated by five generations, these two men exerted enormous influence on their families and societies, influence that would carry forward for decades, even centuries… Above all else, these verses affirm that Seth continued the righteous, covenant line, which wasContinue Reading

Cain did not fall in a day, rather there were many choices that he made that led to his downfall. I had the students read Moses 5, looking for at least 5 steps that Cain took that led to his fateful decision. At each opportunity, there was a chance toContinue Reading

See also: Deification, Divinization, Theosis God is an exalted man Heavenly Father and Heavenly Mother How God lost his body Jesus reveals the Father Teachings about God The nature of God The Nicene Creed erased the anthropomorphic nature of God Thomas Jefferson on the Trinity From LDS.org: Scholars have longContinue Reading

God himself was once as we are now, and is an exalted man, and sits enthroned in yonder heavens!… If the veil were rent today, and the great God who holds this world in its orbit, and who upholds all worlds and all things by his power, was to makeContinue Reading

β€œIn common with the rest of Christianity, we believe in a Godhead of Father, Son, and Holy Ghost. However, we testify that these three members of the Godhead are three separate and distinct beings. We also testify that God the Father is not just a spirit but is a glorifiedContinue Reading