3 Prophetic Themes Mormon is fleshing out with Samuel’s prophecies Irritation Precedes Instruction Elder Neal A. Maxwell shared how great lessons often come after difficulties: “Nephi’s broken bow doubtless brought to him some irritation, but not immobilizing bitterness. After all, he was just trying to feed the extended family, so whyContinue Reading

What happens when we have endured to the end in faithful discipleship to Christ? The Lord has said, “If you keep my commandments and endure to the end you shall have eternal life, which gift is the greatest of all the gifts of God” (D&C 14:7). President Joseph Fielding SmithContinue Reading

Lesson 3: The Creation Moses 2-3, Genesis 1-2, Abraham 4-5 What does the creation account tell us? For our current needs, the Lord has given us the beautiful, powerful, concise, and systematic creation accounts of the scriptures. He has also given us collectively an intellectual curiosity that has opened theContinue Reading

The Old Testament manual has some great helps with teaching Lesson 2: “Thou was chosen before thou wast born,” and I wanted to add the following quote by Elder McConkie to my notes on this lesson: Being subject to law, and having their agency, all the spirits of men, whileContinue Reading

Thou Wast Chosen Before Thou Wast Born This lesson clearly lays out that we existed before we came to this earth, that Abraham and other prophets were taught this (see Abraham 3:22-23, Jeremiah 1:5), that Jesus was foreordained to perform the Atonement and be the Savior for all mankind (AbrahamContinue Reading

See also: I do not know what God is I am afraid I can’t answer that Recently I had a student ask a well thought question.  He wanted to know why a body is essential for our growth.  “Why do we even need a body?  Can’t we learn what theContinue Reading

A Scriptural Search for the Ten Tribes and Other Things We Lost Joseph Fielding McConkie (BYU, Annual Religious Education Faculty Summer Lecture, June 1987.) Nearly twenty years ago I was commissioned as a chaplain in the Army of the United States and given orders to attend a chaplains’ training schoolContinue Reading