Holy Week – Visual of the Last Week of Jesus’ Mortal Life

I really enjoyed putting together these visual representations of the last week of the Savior’s life. Here are a couple of versions I worked on over the 2012 Christmas break:

I hope you like these! I enjoyed putting them together.

Jesus' Last Week

Both of these represent a kind of hybrid approach to the Gospels. Know that John has Jesus crucified on a different day that the other three gospels. This is because in John’s narrative, he has Jesus slain on the exact time that the lambs for Passover are killed. In this way, Jesus is the Passover lamb that was slain for the world.

John has Jesus slain around noon on the “Preparation for the Passover” – the time the lambs are slain (see John 19.13-14). The synoptic Gospels have Jesus killed on the next day- Friday (see Mark 15.42 where he informs readers that Jesus was slain “the day before the Sabbath,” which would have been Friday in Jesus’ day as that was (and still is!) the day for the Jewish Sabbath).

Last Week of Jesus' Life