Section 89 of the Doctrine and Covenants is called the ‘Word of Wisdom’.  The name came from the 1st verse.  Joseph Smith announced this revelation Feb. 27, 1833. During the early 1800’s, drinking alcoholic beverages was a common and accepted practice among Americans, including the members of the church.  AContinue Reading

Section 89 The word of wisdom has got to be one of the greatest prophecies of the Restoration. Why would the Lord say, this is adapted to the capacity of the weakest of all saints? Naturally what does the body do when it comes into contact with Word of Wisdom violations?  TheContinue Reading

7.  88:45-59 The Savior is the visitor of all worlds – what is the field?  The universe… how do we know he is talking about worlds and not individuals?  Verse 61 – “all these kingdoms, and the inhabitants thereof”  – he visits every one of these in their turn… areContinue Reading

4.  88:14 The Savior brings the resurrection which brings a fullness of joy – you can’t have a fullness of joy without your spirit and body united according to D&C 138 and 45. Without a testimony of death, a testimony of resurrection has little meaning.  So to truly want andContinue Reading

3.  88:7-13  He is the light and life of all things 88:7-13 The Light of Christ is what we think and reason by.  We also live by the Light of Christ.  Socrates in Plato’s Republic (see here: )- asks, “what makes good government?”  The governor who rules according toContinue Reading

D&C 88 – An overview Even though the world I send you to is at war (D&C 87) there will be peace for you in your time.  Take a look at Mosiah 15:18 – this message is the Lord’s message of peace to us and the central message is focusedContinue Reading

D&C 86 Wheat & Tares In this section the class examined the parable of the wheat and the tares in Matthew 13.  In Matthew, the Lord gives the interpretation of much of this parable.  The field is the world (Matt 13:38), the sower is the Savior (Matt 13:37), and theContinue Reading

Today we started with having the students identify what section 84 is all about.  This section is a revelation on priesthood, according to the last three words of the section heading.  I asked the students, “what does God want you to do with the priesthood?”Continue Reading

D&C 80 Stephen Burnett and Eden Smith are called on missions 80:3 – …go ye and preach my gospel, whether to the north or to the south, to the east or to the west, it mattereth not, for ye cannot go amiss…” We started class asking the question, “Imagine youContinue Reading

D&C 78 Care for the poor Secion 78 deals with an issue that is relevant in families, cities, nations and in the world.  One verse summarizes the problem that this section is addressing: “For if ye are not equal in earthly things ye cannot be equal in obtaining heavenly things” (D&C 78:6). Continue Reading